Mission Statement
St. Michael's Academy educates its students to become industrious, moral and intellectual leaders. Read more...
St. Michael’s Academy, Where Tradition Endures...

When Mount St. Michael was first built in 1916, it was a scholasticate where candidates for the holy priesthood were educated in philosophy and science. The students who walk its halls today may be younger than those scholastics of yesteryear, but they are evidence that the Mount continues to serve as an center of traditional Catholic education.
Located on a hill overlooking the city of Spokane, Washington, the Mount is now the home of St. Michael’s Academy, a K-12 school staffed by religious of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI). This traditional Catholic academy offers a unique educational alternative by striving to impart to its students an abiding faith and love of God, respect for themselves and others, and a true love of country. The dedicated traditional Catholic Sisters and priests who form the core of the faculty are aided by other teachers who uphold high ideals through rigid academic standards and character formation as well as a deep spiritual connection with God. Thus St. Michael's Academy is dedicated to excellence both in education and the salvation of souls. The faculty strives to accomplish this end by teaching students to gain a deep understanding and commitment to the Roman Catholic Faith; to learn and appreciate the traditions and values of a Catholic culture and the means whereby these may be preserved in the modern world; to develop solid academic skills in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, speaking and critical thinking; and to gain an appreciation of the fine arts.
Close interaction between teachers and students provides a bond not found in larger schools and helps to ensure that no student is neglected or overlooked. Inspired by the teachings of our Divine Lord Jesus Christ, St. Michael's, a private Catholic school, prepares young men and women to recognize and choose good, to contribute to a moral society, and to be the future leaders of the 21st century.